
April 12, 2023
By Elizabeth Syverson '23

每年十大赌博靠谱网络平台提供少数教师主导的学术考察之旅在全球独特的位置. 因为学生可能无法在国外学习一整个学期, 学院提供学术考察旅行作为密集的选择,仍然提供宝贵的经验. 这些旅行是学生将课堂上的理论知识与国外新文化或地区的视角结合起来的好方法.

This summer, 十大赌博靠谱网络平台将派一批学生去魁北克市, Ireland, Denmark, 探索从语言沉浸到生物实地研究等主题.

Quebec City

Peter V

Peter Vantine

Beginning on May 14, students will spend three weeks in Quebec City, 沉浸在法语和魁北克文化中. During their three-week stint abroad, students will live with a host family, take intensive language courses, practice their conversational skills, and visit many of the beautiful historical, cultural, and natural sites of Quebec City and the surrounding area.


Addy Dolley ’25

Beyond simply roaming the picturesque streets of Quebec City, 参加这次旅行的学生可以有计划地游览标志性建筑,如弗朗特纳克城堡, the Citadel of Quebec, the provincial parliament, the Museum of Francophone America, Montmorency Falls, a Qeubecqois maple sugaring operation, and a cruise of the Saint-Laurent River.

“我们到魁北克市的学术学习之旅是独一无二的,因为它是围绕强化语言学习组织的. 我们与魁北克的一所语言学校合作,这样每个学生都将在我们为期三周的课程中参加他们特定水平的语言强化课程, as well as daily conversation sessions and daily excursions, conducted in French, focused on Quebecois history and culture,” said Saint Michael’s French Professor Peter Vantine, a trip leader.

For Addy Dolley ‘25, a health science major with minors in chemistry and French, 她最兴奋的是能提高法语的流利程度,并亲身体验魁北克市的生活.

“我希望能提高法语会话能力,增强对自己和法语的信心,” Dolley said.



Declan McCabe

Starting on May 12, 学生们将花两周的时间在爱尔兰西南海岸的一个渔村,参观一系列重要的生物现场,收集数据进行统计分析. 该小组将学习一系列野外技术,以充分利用丁格尔半岛独特的栖息地.

“由于爱尔兰人的历史文化习俗,栖息地缺乏树木,景观为欧洲动植物提供了一个独特的岛屿亚样本. 这里的环境与佛蒙特州内陆的森林完全不同,这种差异深刻地影响了我们将体验到的生物群,” Professor Declan McCabe said, one of the trip leaders.


Karli Lafferty ’24

Outside of the time spent in the field, 学生们还将按计划游览古代历史遗迹,参加爱尔兰舞蹈等活动, a visit to Killarney, cooking lessons, and horseback riding.

“By living in the village, grocery shopping for supplies, and dining in the pubs, 与传统的有自助餐厅的留学校园相比,这种经历将促进与当地人的更多互动,” McCabe said.


Skyleigh Bickings ’24

For Karli Lafferty ‘24 and Skyleigh Bickings ‘24, 他们最兴奋的是体验这种文化,同时获得宝贵的经验,这将为他们的未来服务.

“I decided to go on this trip to get hands-on experience. I am unsure of what I want to do as a profession, so this is a good experience to see if I like it,” Lafferty said.

“我希望在收集科学数据方面获得经验,以便我可以在未来的职业生涯中使用这些知识,” Bickings added.



Paul Olsen

From May 15 through May 26, students will stay in Copenhagen to study Danish culture, business, government, and health care. The group will visit prevalent Danish entities including Lego, Parliament, 以及各种医疗保健专家,以了解这个国家的价值观如何影响商业和公共政策. Paul Olsen教授(商业和会计)和Patricia Siplon教授(政治学), the trip leaders, 也希望他们的学生能够将丹麦的机构与美国的机构进行比较.S.


Trish Siplon

“While there are some similarities between both countries, 丹麦的医疗保健方法非常不同,因为他们提供通过税收支付的全民医疗保健,而我们的系统主要是基于雇主的,” Olsen said.

学生们还将参观丹麦国家美术馆等重要文化遗址, Rosenborg Castle, and Tivoli Gardens.

On the personal level, 奥尔森教授也期待着与学生们分享他对丹麦的热爱. “我的父母是丹麦移民,我们全家去过丹麦很多次,”他说.




Between May 26 and June 9, 学生们将在威尔士美丽多样的自然环境中度过两周. 同时沉浸在这个国家令人惊叹的自然景观中, 学生们将关注这个国家如何将可持续性原则贯穿于其政策之中, institutions, economy, and culture.

While in Wales, the group will partake in environmental, political, and cultural field studies, on-site guest lectures, 并与威尔士三一圣大卫大学的师生进行研究和艺术项目交流.

学生将住在威尔士大学圣大卫三一分校的卡马森校区,距离卡马森只有很短的步行路程, the oldest city in Wales. 在这里,学生可以通过火车方便地前往卡迪夫的威尔士议会, the Centre for Alternative Technology, and multi-day hikes in the beautiful landscape.

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